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Historic Warwick

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After much effort to gather a few good men/women and their cars to attend the Sunday event, only Harry Bird [Stag] and his grandson Jordan, Eric Burgaty [navigator and my TR4] took off for a very early drive in the verrryy chilly morning to Aratula by 7.30 a.m., for the drive up through the "GAP" together.

ordan wanted to take the Spicer's Gap route but since we had just washed both cars for the show and shine competition he was overruled. Besides we knew the EH club would need a helping tow to get over the big hump ahead. We left the Mustangs at Aratula still catching their breath for their big drive ahead.

A few seconds later we crested the hill to find the EH crews parked off road with bonnets up, gasping for re-hydration. Jordan gave a respectful wave as the throaty roar left them in the distance. Eric pondered on their performances if the temperature had risen above 5 celsius for the day.

Regardless, our small troupe charged onto Warwick. We detoured to find the shortcut to Killarney and we quickly were parked in the parade area overlooking the back S's.

We had come to support the small band of petrol inhaling misfits known as motorsport enthusiasts. With our mustering of 8 waving arms we yelled and cheered them into each corner waiting expectantly for a major loose or even a twitchy tail, a speck of brake lock up, but to no avail. These were true professionals, steering their TR's and sedans with precision and accurate pedal control, as they demonstrated to the crowd what true blue driving was all about. I saw Michael Shumacher there and he remarked on their brilliant performance against the larger capacity V8's that kept getting in their way and blocking the approach to every corner.

The TSOA pilots we went to support were;

  • Daryl Tonkin, [TR 7, Qld],
  • David Dumolo, [TR 3A, Qld],
  • Adrian Diehm, [Mk 1 2.5 PI, Qld],
  • Terry O'Beirne, [Toyota, Qld],
  • John Carson [TR 6, Qld],
  • Geoff Byrne [TR 6, NSW],

Non TSOA pilots;

  • Brenden Bonning [Ferrari 38 GT4, Qld GEAR],
  • Robin Todd [Austin Lancer, Qld GEAR],
  • John Barram [Lotus 7]
  • Don Titcume [Morris Major, NSW]

Needless to say all of the above enjoyed their 2 days of tearing up the tarmac and we enjoyed watching them. I would recommend to all of you, come along to next years event, you won't be disappointed.

Our highlight came after lunch when we were given a wave onto the track for a procession parade for 2 laps of the circuit to tame the wild crowd of spectators and to look all knowing, engaging and wordly, a bit like the queen, I suppose. Anyway, we were more than capable of pulling this one off with aplomb, until Harry got to the STARTLINE, where he immediately throttled the V8 and embarrassed the TR 4 sooo much that "Kylie" [she's got a great rear end] barked out and squealed her Toyo's in unison.

The crowd against the pit wall all cheered their appreciation, especially Daryl. Only because we behaved ourselves by the end of the straight, the marshalls said we could come back next year, we will!!! So should more of the TSOA. We really did have an enjoyable day.

Phil Strong.

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