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How to remove the engine from a TR7

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image016Now. Every one has their own special way of doing things. I tend to excel at really crazy ways of doing things mostly because I'm always looking for a quickest way out.

Secondly I would not recommend trying this at home, all the usual safety warnings and legal indemnities etc etc etc

Although I did do it at home Tongue out



Step 1

Lean over the left hand front guard and unplug the wiring harnes at the back of the engine and disconnect main battery wire from the starter.

Step 2

Lean over the right hand front guard and disconnect the fuel line, throttle, choke cables and radiator hoses. You may also want to remove the radiator but it's not a necessity

Step 3

Hop into the car and remove the gear stick after removing the centre console trim. There is something else i had to remember about this step but i can't recall what it was.

Step 4

Jack up the car and place on 2 axle stands. Crawl under the car and unbolt the tail shaft an disconnect exhaust (this bit sux)

Step 5

Remove both front wheels

Step 6 

Place a trolly jack under the back of the front cross member. Unbolt the gearbox cross member, Front sub frame and disconnect the steering column.

Step 7

Jack up the car using the trolly jack to remove both axles stands and lower the car down to the ground so the front cross member is on the ground (remove the trolly jack some how )

Step 8

Backinto the engine bay and unbolt the strut tops.

Step 9

place a chain through one strut tower and attach to a engine hoist.

Step 10

Raise car body up to an angle of approx 32.5 deg. and drag sidways.
technical note : this works beter if the hand brake is off, You wil have pulled the hand brake on to remove the gearstick (don't deny it - you did so in step 3) 

Total time taken to complete task, allowing for the exhaust pipe from hell - Less than 1 hour



Now your going to ask how do you move the car around. Surprisingly enough a TR7 without an engine and gearbox can be wheeled around like a wheel barrow if you have 2 sets of strong arms to pick it up by the front guards.


Best part about this process is you can do it all your self and not share the contents of your beer fridge with 5 other mates who all came over to "give a hand"  - no just kidding.


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